



Handan’s mutton soup shines due to the meticulous selection of ingredients and a time-honored cooking process. The star ingredient is naturally, succulent lamb. Local chefs often opt for younger lambs, prized for their tender meat and delicate flavor. This meat is meticulously cut into bite-sized pieces, ensuring even cooking and maximum tenderness.

Equally important are the supporting cast: a medley of Chinese herbs and spices. Star anise, cinnamon, cloves, and Sichuan peppercorns all play their part in creating a symphony of aromas that fill your kitchen as the soup simmers. The addition of ginger adds a subtle warmth and aids digestion, while goji berries lend a touch of sweetness and visual appeal.

The cooking process itself is an art form. Lamb pieces are first blanched to remove impurities, then slow-cooked in a clay pot over low heat for several hours. This gentle simmering allows the flavors to meld beautifully, creating a rich and deeply savory broth. As the soup cooks, a layer of fat will naturally rise to the surface – this is considered a sign of its exceptional quality.


Accompanying the mutton soup are thin, translucent noodles known as “fen tiao.” These noodles are made from mung bean starch and possess a delicate texture that readily absorbs the flavorful broth. Their mild flavor allows them to act as a perfect vehicle for showcasing the complexity of the mutton soup itself.


A steaming bowl of mutton soup with fen tiao is more than just a meal – it’s an experience. The aroma alone is enough to whet your appetite, and the first sip of the broth will reveal a tapestry of flavors: savory lamb, fragrant spices, and a hint of sweetness from the goji berries. Each tender piece of lamb melts in your mouth, while the fen tiao slurps up the flavorful broth, adding a satisfying texture contrast.


  • 季节性: 羊汤炖粉条通常在寒冷的冬季最为受欢迎,因为其温热性质可以驱散寒气。
  • 营养价值: 这道菜富含蛋白质、矿物质和维生素,是滋补身体的好选择。
  • 文化意义: 羊汤炖粉条在邯郸拥有悠久的历史和文化传承,是当地居民的骄傲。


  1. 首先用勺子盛起一碗热腾腾的羊肉汤,注意将汤汁中的浮油也舀入碗中。
  2. 加入适量的 fen tiao,让它们在汤中浸泡几分钟,使其充分吸收汤汁的味道。
  3. 品尝一口汤,感受其浓郁的香味和鲜美的口感。
  4. 将羊肉片夹起,蘸取一些汤汁一起享用。



菜肴 搭配理由
邯郸烧饼 香酥可口的烧饼可以中和羊肉汤的浓郁味道。
手擀面 手擀面的筋道口感和羊肉汤的鲜美相得益彰。
红薯粉条 将红薯粉条加入羊肉汤中,更添一份清甜滋味。
